Neal Mann

Beastmaker Training Crimps

Neal Mann
Beastmaker Training Crimps

The Beastmaker team made their mark on the global climbing scene over the past decade with their fingerboards. Enter any climbing gym and you'll more than likely find one of their range. They've now added to the Beastmaker 1000 and Beastmaker 2000 with a release of training crimps. Purchased as a set of six, the crimps come in 10mm, 8mm and 6mm with a slightly rounded edge. Beastmaker's Ned Feehally believes they will make a substantial difference to a training routine  'Our fingerboards have become a training standard amongst many climbers around the world. You can walk into almost any climbing gym and train on that exact same edge, wherever you are. I think this sort of standardization of training equipment and the associated community feel has really helped to increase many climber's strength over the last few years. The idea with these new crimps is to create a similar standard on which you can test and train your crimp strength.'

The crimps will be available on the Beastmaker site from Monday 15th May
