The Project Magazine

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A Note From The Editors

Photo Jeremiah Doehne

A little over six months ago we launched The Project Magazine in the belief that there was a space for something new in climbing media. We wanted to build a collaborative publication for the creative climbers we knew existed within the community. The response we have seen since that launch has been incredible. With the help of our contributors we've published inspiring photo essays from across the world, in-depth interviews with some of the most interesting people in the sport and unique films like You Can Go Now.

At our core we're a team of people who built the site for the passion of it; we love climbing, the outdoors and creativity. We're a team with a variety of day jobs, experience and expertise but we share a unique belief that in the digital age collaboration and community can build a better publishing model than the ones that have gone before. 

Through that belief The Project Magazine has now built a core audience who come back every month to read our contributor's work. We want to thank everyone who has read, watched or shared any of our content. We couldn't have done it without your support. This project was never about mass reach and clickbait; we don't deal in display ads and never will. We're about providing a platform for our contributors to reach and inspire the right audience and for that audience to have the best experience possible. We hope we've managed that so far. 

So what's next? 

Over the next six months we're going to be building out The Project Magazine whilst sticking to our core beliefs of collaboration and community. As we launch new initiatives we'll always ensure they stick to our editorial mission: To inspire creativity, progress, exploration and success. We're always looking for people who share that vision to collaborate with, so if you're a climbing creative and like what we do then reach out to us at We'd love to hear from you. Our model is built on collaboration and community and whether you're a reader or contributor we want to thank you for being a part of that community. 

We hope you continue to enjoy what you find here.

Thank you