Welcome To Cinema

Welcome to our Cinema section.
Sure, send footage has its place - and we probably watch as much of it as the next climber. But there are deeper stories in climbing, the stories of the people behind the sends and when we launched The Project Magazine we believed that these were the stories that inspired us the most.
Here you'll find our take on the climbing movie, filmed and edited by our Director of Video Dan Cheetham in a mix of digital and film. You'll see series such as This Is Why or Postcards and short films such as You Can Go Now. These films are a mix of narrative and experimentation, an attempt to capture the people, moments and memories that inspire us to climb. You can read about Dan's methods and mindset here.
Our films are a collaboration between those behind the camera and the climber in front of it, and we couldn't create these films without the climbers they feature. if you are interested in collaborating you can reach us at hello@theprojectmagazine.com